Friday, February 24, 2006


3 weeks plus a day

Baby M is three weeks old plus a day. D's parents left this morning after almost a week of having them in town. Every day is the same and different. Sleep, eat, change diapers, do laundry, repeat. A night of four hours between feedings is followed by a night with hours of fussing (that was last night).

I needed my counseling session today. While I'm mostly up and happy, there are times when I crash and everything seems bleak. I have a history of depression (which started well before the miscarriages) so I'm at risk for post-partum depression. I think I've just been experiencing the baby blues so far. I just feel so alone and isolated sometimes. Then I don't. D's on the verge of starting a big project at work and I dread him being home even less than he currently is. Hopefully I'll bite the bullet and we'll talk about options this weekend. I assume that everything will get better - M will get a schedule, she will give me more feed back, my hormones will get back in check. I'm looking forward to all of this.

Glad to hear you a) recognize the baby blues and b) that M and you are starting to get along and you've realized she's a keeper. Both are good things.
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