Sunday, January 06, 2008


Fast forward

I can't believe how long an individual day can be and how quickly the weeks have flown since A was born. I think we are getting to a bit of the difficult part. Bacon has been sick for the last few weeks - nothing big, just a runny nose and a serious case of crabby toddler. She's just starting to feel better and say something other than "no baby" or "movie, movie, movie." (She "requests" movies of herself on my laptop whenever I come within 10 feet of the it.) A's sleep has gotten worse since his shots last Monday. He's also decided that he hates being strapped in the carseat and hates the car. So, if I'm home with both Bacon is clinging and if I leave the house A is wailing.

As an aside, I was recently thinking how easy things must have been when I only had one newborn, even though it didn't feel like it at the time. Now that A is doing the wailing thing in public, I now remember why it wasn't so easy and why I took so many walks around the neighborhood.

I emailed friends and begged for playdates at our house. So far I have plans for Thursday and Friday this week and next Wednesday. If we can avoid non-stop "mine, mine, mine!!!" (another relatively new phrase from Bacon) they should help the days go much faster and I may actually get to speak to an adult other than D.

I'm contemplating work/home options and don't know what I'm going to do. I'm not sure why, but nothing can make me feel as incompetent as having a newborn.

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