Thursday, September 13, 2007


The long and short

Bacon seems to be finally getting over whatever has made her nose run and turn her into a super crab for the last several days. I'm really hoping that all of it was a cold and not (as I fear) the beginning of the twos. Oh no, she doesn't want her shoes on! Oh no, she doesn't want her shoes off! Up, up, up! Down, down, down! I've been going to bed at 7:00 - Bacon's bedtime - this week.

At today's OB appointment. I'm up a pound. A trace + protein. And on digital exam (ouch), the OB estimates that my cervix is closed and in the "low 2s." She seemed to be unconcerned, so I'm trying to be too. I will be scheduling an ultrasound measurement for next Monday.

I have 2 more weeks of my meds and then I go off the ibuprofen and increase the nifedipine. This really has been an easier pregnancy that the one with Bacon. Part of it is simply emotional. I've mentioned this before, but I was so convinced that Bacon was going to die; either before or very shortly after she was born that I went through the pregnancy with a sense of doom. I was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. This time, no doom. Other than the shortened cervix, everything else is going much better. The contractions are there, but generally not bad. Very few bloody noses so far. Last time they were daily at least for several months. My back has been great. Heartburn is minimal and so far I don't have that really bad pain under my lower right my ribs.

I have a feeling that there are many things that I will have wished I had done when I only had one child to deal with, but I can't think of anything to actually do. Well, the one thing I can think of is grocery shopping, but that's not something that I can do now to avoid later.

Isn't it nice when later pregnancies don't turn into the same disaster as previous ones? Hooray for nifedipine. (I must say, it was my favorite of the tocolytics...)

Once you have this one, you can let me know what I should be accomplishing now, before I, too, am dealing with 2 kids!!
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