Thursday, August 23, 2007


More Glucola

Another factor in last week's cryfest was failing the one hour glucose test. Today was the 3 hour. I was dreading it, but it wasn't bad - 1 glucola chug, 4 blood draws and 3 hours hanging around the lab and I was done. I may even get the results tomorrow. I really don't think I failed it, but we'll see.

Monday I had my every two week ultrasound. Cervix still stable at 2.5 mm and plenty of fluid. I gained 2 more pounds.

Life seems more positive this week. I'm feeling better with some activity. The contractions are around, but not in any pattern (since Sunday). The best news from Monday's ultrasound is that baby x is estimated at weighing 3 lbs. 2 oz. This just sounds so much like a baby. That combined with the fact that I'm now 28 weeks, using any method of measurement, means that we're in a good place.

Sometimes its easier to focus on the hurdles. Sometimes the hurdles are still there, but just don't matter. Today the hurdles seem small.

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