Thursday, August 16, 2007


Knowing the exact day of conception

Using your LMP to determine your due date is based on the concept that most women don't know when they conceived. If you've done IVF or an IUI, you know. If you've tracking your ovulation for months or happen to have had only one conception-causing event in the requisite time period, you know. In trying to push baby x's development along, I've been trying to use my ultrasound dates for gestation when I know they're not right. In this case, I know because baby x was conceived at the tale end of the worst part of the stomach flu. The stomach flu that hit right after Valentine's Day dinner that I had cooked and involved about eight hours of gut-wrenching unpleasantness, days of don't come near me, and weeks of "yuck." (D got a lighter case that started in the early morning the following day, and didn't linger nearly as long.)

Even with feeling less than par, I knew when ovulation should arrive and the needed activities to get the desired result. Which activities ensued on the necessary day with the results being baby x.

With Bacon, it was a bit trickier, since I had started BCPs in preparation for IVF, only to stop a few days later at the recommendation of the recurrent miscarriage specialist. But, based on the days I was out of town for work followed shortly thereafter by a camping trip with lots of friends, I know the day. (As an aside, do people actually tell their children these details or husbands for that matter? I guess you could always give them cute nick-names like stomach-flu and back from work.)

While I'm very happy that they do ultrasound measuring to check on development, the whole ultrasound dating thing seems like another way to say to expectant moms that they really don't know what's going on. Regardless of when your LMP was and when you claim to have ovulated, this is actually how far along your baby is. And while I'm a bit flabbergasted by the idea that they don't think I know what has happened, I want them to be right - maybe everything did happen a week earlier than I thought it did.

So today is either 28d0 or 27d1. I still like their numbers better.

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