Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Plans for the Future

My recent work hoopla was caused, in part, by my desire to think about my future. Although I can't say what life with 2 children will be like, I do want to continue to work. I really like what I do - in fact I love the challenges and feel invigorated when I have an opportunity to do the hard stuff. I desire some control in my life. Work is an easier place to get it than home. Home is ruled by nap schedules, demands for food and the need for clean clothes.

Part time in a field that very much doesn't support part time work is -- weird. Where success in work is measured, at least in part, by the number of hours you can bill; part-time work automatically puts you (at least) one down. Traveling when needed; staying any and all hours is something that I haven't committed to. But, clearly, if I'm not doing it someone else may have to. When I look at it this way, its understandable that I am one down.

Am I in the right job? How could I possibly change fields? Do I want to? Would another office be any different?

(Baby who tooks way too short of a nap is calling.)

Well said.
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