Thursday, July 12, 2007


Other than the heat

Yesterday it was 97 degrees. So what you say, but do you live in a city with limited air conditioning? It was surprisingly not that bad. I finally got some decent sleep starting around 12:30. Today is supposed to be in the mid-80s, but it is seriously overcast, so I'm hoping for less. People are kind - asking me how I'm going in the heat. Luckily at 5 1/2 months pregnant, I'm doing just like everyone else. I'm not that big and uncomfortable. I'm just not normal sized. Baby X (it seems like we're never going to agree on a name) is jumping and kicking, but at this size, its just fun.

Work hoopla was followed by meetings which were reassuring regarding my office's appreciation for the work that I do, but gave no indication of any forward progress. I've got some interesting work that is keeping me somewhat busy - and I got to see the new Harry Potter yesterday. Monday I told my favorite client that we're expecting #2. It was hard to say - I feel like I'm somehow slacking to have "another" child. But hopefully that's only my own issue. I'm glad that the tale has been told.

Bacon, at 17 months, is transitioning to one nap a day. She's been such at great sleeper for so long that its a bit sad. She's almost always only taking one 3 hour nap in the middle of the day. But sometime between an hour and a 1/2 hour before bedtime, she starts to melt. Other than that, she's just growing up so much. As friends have told me, it just keeps getting better. Her favorite things are dogs, balloons and birds. She chats or sings almost constantly - if she's not eating, which is often. She's still small and light for her age. But with the rate of food intake, I'm not worried about her health. (L's daughter who is 10 months older is big for her age. The 2 of them look to be a couple of years apart.)

Its fun to think about baby X and what he'll be like. Will he, like Bacon, take after D and be dark or after me and be light? I think the genetic odds are against me, but we'll see.

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