Sunday, April 29, 2007


There's a baby in there!

Wednesday's ultrasounds (yes there ended up being 2) went well. The creature inside actually looks like a baby. My last visit with my RE was focused around an ultrasound and luckily a prescription for vicodin (I tweaked my back on Sunday and was told I can't take anything that might actually help short of narcotics.) I'm measuring ahead by a few days and got a new, slightly earlier due date - 11/8/07. Baby measures 5 cms and has a heartbeat of 176. The unofficial nucal translucency measurement was 1.4 - which is good news.

My afternoon first visit to my OB was followed by an ultrasound and blood work to get the information necessary for my first trimester screen. Apparently, the office is doing these rather than the integrated screen I had with Bacon. I'm not sure about all the differences, but I do get information earlier with the change. The second ultrasound wasn't quite as exciting except that it did confirm the NT measurement.

While I was convinced that I was carrying a boy, as soon as I saw the pictures that looked like a baby I changed my mind. I think this is just because the only baby looking thing I've produced is Bacon and she is a girl. I can't wait to find out what's inside.

I can't figure out what I did to my back. But its been difficult to walk or really do anything other than lie down all week. It is getting better. I remember having some back pain when I was pregnant with Bacon which I chalked up to things shifting. I think this might have something to do with that. Part of the continued pain now seems to be strange posture. I'm trying not to walk and hold my back funny, but I'm still working on it (and trying not to take the drugs which aren't really helping things now anyway.)

It's wonderful to feel as confident as I do about this pregnancy. But, being one who has to worry about something, I'm totally petrified about what to do with 2 children when I have them. Almost every post last year was about how bad things were without sleep. I so don't want to go there again. It seems very unlikely that the 2 would be on remotely similar napping schedules - so no naps to make up sleep - argggh. I'm trying to figure out who I can bribe in my family to come and help out.

Enough of that - I'm really trying to "live in the now" and enjoy where we are.

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