Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Isn't it your turn to get up with the baby?

Late in our vacation I hit the point where I was absolutely freaked about the idea of having another child. Obviously, I couldn't deal with the one I had. Obviously, we could never travel again - forget the holidays or our big sabatical next summer which I've been planning for 10 years. Bacon started crawling yesterday -- guess what that did to her already bad sleep. People keep telling me that things will get better and I know that they have to. I'm clinging to that hope while I struggle through work or even a day at home.

With some naps, I've gotten past the panic and am starting to see the wonder of having this little girl who has learned 2 big skills in a week and is teething (again). I wonder what I'll remember from this time when we get past it?

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