Sunday, July 16, 2006


One thing or another

Bacon is 5 1/2 months old. She's doing great. Sleep training/sleeping - not so great. But with modifications, it is getting better. Since she was born, it feels like its been one thing or another. Sore nipples, sleep deprivation, plugged milk ducts, moving, illness, sleep deprivation and then back to plugged milk ducts. Lately, she's been wanting to eat every 1 1/2 to 2 hours - day and night. Feedings end with crying. I'm guessing that I'm not producing enough milk at the moment. At most I seem to get a break of a day or two before the next problem kicks in. It has to get better.

We've introduced rice cereal, avocado and pear. She's really not interested in any of them, but has started to like the spoon. Bacon has been refusing the bottle. As of yesterday (!), she's willing to drink through a sippy cup, so at least there is a way that she can get food other than through me.

I am enjoying motherhood and having the baby. But, truthfully, I thought it would be easier than this. I was somewhat prepared for the first few months to be hard. But, I thought it would be easier by now. It's not that Bacon is difficult. When she has eaten and slept, she's wonderful. It's just getting me enough sleep and painfree times that's the hard part.

Oh sleep and being painfree - yes, the goal!
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