Monday, April 03, 2006


Significant events

Our little girl is now over 11 lbs. This is very significant, as our doctor says she can go through the night without a feeding once she's 12 lbs. At an ounce a day - that's very soon. We got our first (and second) 5 hour stretch of sleep this weekend. I'm hopeful that this will be part of a trend. I have noticed that when she wakes up more often at night she's not really that interested in eating. Usually her arm has come out of her swaddling and is freaking her out.

She decided that she likes the bouncy chair last Thursday. Again significant because she can go for longer happy periods during the day without me holding her. (I got great advice to try the chair each week to see if she had changed her mind about it.)

Our third significant event is that we may be buying a new house. Our offer is being presented tonight. While there may be easier times to move, I am excited about having a new family house.

Ach! Mine is doing the same thing - sleeping on me pretty exclusively. She'll go down for a few hours at night in her bassinette and sometimes in the swing once she falls asleep on me, but other than that she'll only sleep on a warm human. I did hear they grow out of it soon...
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