Monday, March 06, 2006



Wow - the crying. We had a good night then basically no sleep and a lot of crying since 8:00 this morning. I pulled out the big guns - the car - to no avail. We went to a large Asian grocery store across town. Half way there little girl lost it. We got there and started roaming the aisles. That lasted about 10 minutes then another crying fit. Back in the car - maybe 15 minutes - then again - waaahhhhhh! The car is tough too - I basically can't get to her to do anything. My flails at stop lights to get her pacifier back in have mixed success.

I've been told multiple times that I just need to get through the first 3 months, then things get better. As of today, I can tell that she's changing; growing. Her sounds are different. She's starting to hold her head up and look at things. Her arm movements seem to have a bit more intent behind them. But, holy smokes, the unconsolable crying is hard.

She's now feeding more often and longer. The first day when we went from 4 hours between feedings to 2 was tough, but I've gotten used to it. But, about one in five times I think I understand that her crying means she wants more food, I get spit up on - a lot. In those instances we're both wet and unhappy. This morning's event was impressive for both quantity and distance. We headed out to the store right after I got her changed. As soon as we got home I fed her again. She seemed ravenous. Shortly after feeding and a diaper change, it was back to crying.

The second big gun - the sling - is working for the moment. Hurray. Poor little girl has got to get some sleep.

The crying, the lack of sleep. I definitely understand. A friendly postal worker told me today that her 7-month-old daughter became a "completely different baby" around week 8 -- happy and able to sleep through the night -- and now I keep saying to myself that I just need to make it through another month or so. I have heard the 3-month mark too.

Hang in there, we'll make it.
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