Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Up, down, up, down

The contractions - medium painful ones - started at about 4:00 am - then stopped around 10:00 am. Argh. The weather is horrible. I made oatmeal cookies today. And that's it.

I have my weekly OB appointment tomorrow. I'm sure there's been no change down below.

(I also can't count. 14 days until my due date.)

Well hell... that wasn't what we wanted to hear... but I'm sure you didn't want it to just peeter out either. I hope that things are a changing down below and I hope your appt goes well!

Only suggestions I've heard are sex and castor oil... and well sex may not be a bad thing... I'm pretty sure the castor oil is awful.

I think your uterus just really enjoys teasing you... making you think things are starting up then saying nah we're not ready... what a meanie.

(PS I hope you found these comments funny rather than offensive)
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