Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I heart terbutaline

No regular contractions - yeah! I'm generally bright pink and shake a lot, but I can deal with that for another week. At my weekly doctor's visit today I learned that the baby has dropped to -1 (apparently 0 is active labor). I've actually been a lot more comfortable since Sunday - less heartburn and rib pain. I've had pelvic pain for forever - its no better and no worse.

Of course, now that I'm responding to the drugs and it looks like I'll probably make it to 36 weeks (I was 35 yesterday), they want me to get to 37 weeks. At 36 weeks apparently some babies still have trouble regulating their temperatures and can't breathe and eat at the same time. Unfortunately, size is no indicator of maturity. But, apparently girls mature faster than boys. For the moment, I'm okay with all of it. Every once in a while I go into a tailspin, but right now I just feel blessed to have gotten here.

I'm now up to 166.5 - 23.5 above my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm also covered in tiny red spots. I freaked out a bit when I noticed this last night, but apparently its a reaction to all the estrogen in my system. The doctor called them pin-point capillaries that have broken - most of which should go away after the baby comes.

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