Monday, October 31, 2005


Still Down

Physically that is. I had a good appointment on Friday. Weight: 154 1/2; urine: negative for anything; amniotic fluid levels: good; heartbeat: proper excelerations and decelerations associated with movement. And although I felt pretty bad - no contractions. It kinda threw me for a loop. I thought I was getting better at interpreting what was normal pregnant and what was not. Apparently this is not so.

After a long internal dialogue, I've decided that - whatever - I'm simply going to err on the side of caution for at least another week - get through week 25 and then I'll start testing the water more. She's growing well and everything still looks like it should, but it would totally suck if I did something unnecessary that changed the status quo.

DH and I watched wonderful baby S briefly yesterday afternoon. It was very cool to see DH with the baby (who was seriously off her nap and feeding schedule by the time we got her and was very cranky). While it was only an hour and a half, it was still great to watch him try to problem solve, enjoy interacting with her, and work to get her what she needed. What a good papa he'll be!

Almost there, almost there. These are the scary times, but you're alomst to the end of the book!
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