Tuesday, October 18, 2005


More of the Same But Modified

We had an excellent ultrasound today - baby girl: good; cervix: good (3.6 cm) - but contractions - still there. They've put me on modified bed rest through Friday with continued ibuprofen every 6 hours. I get a maximum of 2 hours upright, then a minimum of 2 horizontal. I don't feel a huge desire to be upright seeing that that's what seems to bring on the contractions, but it is good to know that they don't think it will lead to bad things.

The on-call doctor said that they don't usually see contractions this early. He's hesistant to put me on full bed rest for so long. They're simply not sure that it will help. But, he also told the story that his wife was on extended bed rest because the drugs made her sick. Apparently she also had contractions with no actual labor. She ultimately delivered via C-section at 36 weeks.

I feel more comfortable doing what the doctor and his wife resolved to do rather than just randomly pick. (Its kind of like those commercials that say 4 out of 5 dentists use brand x. Although, I always assumed that they use brand x because of all the free samples.) As long as I can stand it, erring on the side of caution sounds good to me.

After all the testing related to the miscarriages turning up nothing and now this, my theory is that I have a very touchy uterus. One that doesn't do a good job at holding onto embryos and one that is irritated by little girl's gymnastics. On the other hand, my cervix has proven to be pretty tough - it didn't want to let go for 2 of the 4 miscarriages and now wants nothing to do with the party in my uterus. (I'm just hoping that this early contracting won't make it say uncle.)

I like my theory much better than what I think the leading theory is (advanced material age and eggs). I have no idea if this is right, but it could be so I'm sticking to it.

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