Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I'm Fine - ish

I'm still mostly resting while trying to get some work done from home - and sinking into a pit of depression. I've never gotten the contractions back like they were for the first several days. Whenever things get really tight or uncomfortable, I lay down (which is where I am most of the day anyway). HR at work contacted me yesterday via email and I received their letter today. I'm over my vacation hours, so won't receive a full paycheck this pay period. While this is totally understandable, for some reason it really felt like a blow. Oh, and they're putting me on FMLA. I can apply for short term disability once I've been off work for 2 weeks.

My problem seems to be wanting to meet my work "commitments" (this is totally coming from me - work isn't pushing in the least), not being able to, and feeling unworthy, lost and useless. I've been doing some (pretty limited) work each day. But, I don't know if this is helping (me or work). I think it comes down to feeling like I should know the perfect level of activity I can do without causing any problems with the pregnancy; feeling like I should be doing more, while worrying that if I do more, it might cause unnecessary problems. Overall, its the pregnancy that matters. But, knowing that still isn't resolving the feelings I'm having.

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