Sunday, October 16, 2005


Don't Go Buying Stock

Well the wonder drug didn't work so wonderfully. Still no labor, but contractions - check. Another trip to the hospital, a shot of terbutaline, and orders for bedrest later and I feel - achy and a bit nervous. My cervix is still closed - a fabulous thing, but I can't seem to shake the contractions. The doctors and nurses can't tell me if it's anything serious because they simply don't know. I still need to go in for an ultrasound tomorrow - I don't know what they're looking for - and I'll either be stuck here in bed or not.

It's amazing how different lounging in bed is compared to "BED REST." My orders are for bathroom breaks and 3-4 times per day being upright for up to 15 minutes. So the phone - it's downstairs, as is the TV and the kitchen. Do I use up one of my 15 minutes to transfer? What if I forget something? I know I'll figure this out, but right now it is looming over me.

I've already contacted my team at work to let them know that the local trip I was supposed to cover this week - not going to happen. We've got coverage for the early part of the week and are working to get the rest covered.

The good news is that baby girl seems to be doing fine and if this will help keep it that way, in bed I will stay. We're just about 23 weeks. Just several more to go to get us in the safety zone.

Bed rest just a pain in the ass. I was on it for several weeks during my last pregnancy. I found out cross-stich was my friend. Glad to here all it well with the baby though.
Whoo Hoo> Almost to the last chapter noww. Very best of luck.
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