Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Level II ultrasound and all is well

Do you know the feeling of letting out a breathe that you didn't even realize you were holding? That was this morning - almost literally. About half way through the level II ultrasound and hearing all good things from the tech, I finally let out the breathe I was holding and unclenched my shoulders. (Then I just got tired and wanted to go home instead of to work.)

It was really cool - and long. First, since the last experience with the non-invasive type of ultrasound (and my lack of water intake), I guzzled water before the appointment. Only, I didn't have to. And ended up having to get up part-way through the scan to pee for a second time since I arrived for the appointment. Apparently at 16 weeks there's no need for a full bladder and it actually got in the way (and made the probing uncomfortable.)

Second, they scan everything. We saw arms, legs, feet, hands, fingers, brain, heart and all four chambers, lots of spine, kidneys, lips (apparently to check for a cleft palate), and finally parts. We're having a girl! I knew it. So did the CHM doctor and accupuncturist based on pulses. And my friends based on the ring test (total old wives' tale).

The ultrasound tech was very friendly and explained everything as she went along. A radiologist came in at the end and said things looked good and handed us a "preliminary report" that said nothing looked abnormal.

Apparently, she's already about 7 inches long - wow that sounds big. She spent most of the scan moving around which seems strange because I couldn't feel any of it. I also had a Braxton-Hicks contraction in the middle of things and I couldn't feel that either.

I can't believe we got here and can't believe that we might actually get to have a baby as a result of this in February. It seems unreal. This road has felt so long and has been so full of heartbreak that it just doesn't seem possible that this will have a good result. But, things are good and if I can't look ahead, at least I can focus on that.

Congratulations on a wonderful ultrasound -- and your daughter! How exciting!
Glad everything went well :)
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