Thursday, May 19, 2005


Chapter 12

After my third miscarriage and after trying to ignore the fact that it happened (so I could continue to function), I went on-line to see what I find out about miscarriage and the things that the doctors didn't seem to be able to tell me. Through my searches I came upon "A Little Pregnant" and through that blog many, many others that have helped me get through the days since then. These blogs, written by women with issues related to infertility and recurrent miscarriage, have become part of my day. They let me know that someone else is feeling what I'm feeling - the lack of control, the sadness, the anger, the pessimism, and the hope that comes with these issues. Over the past week, several women that I read on a regular basis have decided to stop writing their blogs (for either a short or long time). So, in an attempt to give back some of what I've gotten from this community and help myself I'm going to try to keep a blog.

As the name reflects, this is the middle part of the story -- after school, work, marrying a wonderful husband, and four miscarriages. This is the part that comes next.

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