Saturday, May 21, 2005


Again and Again

After another six months passed, I went back to my OB. I actually spoke to a nurse practitioner. She asked if I knew if I had been ovulating each month -- well no, I assumed so. (Okay, I admit I was very naive, but the doctor hadn't mentioned anything and obviously I'd gotten pregnant once.) At age 37, she thought I should hop to it -- make sure I'm ovulating and come back after a few months. At this point, I wasn't so happy with Dr. McLightly, but glad that Nurse Straight-forward wasn't trying to talk sunshine and bunnies to me.

So I bought the ovulation indicators. Lo and behold, I was ovulating. Lo and behold, I got pregnant again that month. But it was short lived -- low beta followed by a miscarriage at less than six weeks. The office forgot to order blood work; then ordered the wrong blood work (or the lab screwed up.)

I was seriously less happy with Dr. McLightly. I think he picked up on this. (Perhaps it was my less than happy response to his suggestion that I shouldn't have come in for blood work on a day that he is out of the office when I had no alternative or his suggestion that I obviously hadn't given the lab the right paper work.)

He referred me to an RE who got me in right away. Shortly after my first visit, I found out I was pregnant again. I had a reasonable beta with nice doubling. They started me on progesterone.

The first ultrasound at 7 1/2 weeks showed no heartbeat and an undersized embryo with none of the proper bits. A D&C followed.

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