Sunday, November 19, 2006


Just don't say it

Things are going swimming well on the baby front. But, I have to mention what must be an amazing coincidence - whenever I tell someone about how long its been since ___ happened, it happens. This does seem to be a baby only related thing phenomenon. Like, "wow, it's been ages since I've had a plugged duct." Ha - here's one for you! "Bacon is sleeping through the night." How about a 3:00 am wake up? That being said - and it really is amazing how often it happens - things are so much better. Getting solid sleep - great! No pain with nursing - wonderful! A baby who is mostly well rested and well fed - super!

I had an ultrasound on Friday and my body is doing what it should to be able to get pregnant this month. (Follicle - good size; uterine lining - decent) I did get a trigger shot (to trigger ovulation) and will start evil Progesterone on Tuesday. I have pregnancy blood work planned for two weeks from tomorrow. I'm mostly excited about the possibilities. A bit scared, but mostly excited.

Thursday, November 09, 2006



Sleep at last! My BF told me I had to CIO and ultimately - we did. But, I think we finally got to a point where we could. With a bit of crying or more typically fussing, Bacon will go to sleep. We started this by accident last Sunday during her afternoon nap. We've put her down awake every night since. In fact, she won't fall asleep in my arms like she did Sunday morning and most recent sleep periods for the past few months. Last night was the first night we didn't go into her room at all until morning. She went down at 6:50 pm and cried a bit at 7:30 and around 10:00, then not a peep until 5:45 am. Of course, I'm still waking up and listening for her, but I'm getting used to sleeping - at night.

I know I'm a broken record, but I can't explain the difference between life with and without sleep. Prior to experiencing it myself, I thought people exaggerated. I was so wrong. I feel human again. I can speak and think in full sentences.

The RE results: I'm ovulating and everything looks good. Although I've been getting my period since Bacon was 4 months old (she's now 9 months old), this was my first cycle like my pre-pregnancy cycles. I go back into the RE this month and we'll see how things go.

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